Friday, December 13, 2024

Information for Carers

Are you a carer?

Do you regularly, sometimes all round the clock, with or without  payment, look after someone else who has additional needs or health problems, maybe a partner, parent, child, friend or neighbour?

If the answer is YES, please ensure that you let the surgery know. You will then be registered here as a carer, which means that your caring commitments can be taken into account and the practice will do its best to accommodate you with things like suitably timed appointments whenever possible.

The Practice staff and the Patient Participation Group care about carers and recognise that Caring for another person can often mean your own needs take a back seat; and so although the PPG cannot provide any specific carer’s services, and do not hold any budget, we work with the practice to:-

  • encourage carers to register themselves as carers
  • urge carers to look after their own wellbeing as well as that of the person being cared for
  • respond to any feedback/suggestions from carers
  • signpost carers to essential information and support services, including benefits and knowing your rights as a carer (ask the surgery about a carers pack).

So why is all this important?

“Its just nice to know someone recognises that caring for someone is such hard work and is looking out for me as well as my grandmother”

  • Caring can become very isolating.
  • Crisis points can be avoided with the correct support.
  • A local authority carer’s assessment could identify positive outcomes to support you in your caring role.
  • Being healthy makes caring less difficult.

Sharing on this website

Opportunities for sharing through carers’ groups can be extremely helpful.

Pass on good experiences if you come across Places/organisations which have helped you and which you would like to tell others about.

If you would like more support, or to know what help there is for carers Nationally, try our link to the Carers Wales Website here.

Carers Wales

Recent meeting minutes