PPG Meeting – Thursday 13th December 2018


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Annual General Meeting

Thursday 13th December 2018 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Dinah Ball (DB) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Ian Thomas (IT), Richard Cole (RC), Dr Helen Sherwood (HS). Veronica Underwood (VU), Viv Riley (VR), Angharad Roberts (AR) Sarah Harries (SH).

1. Welcome & Apologies

DB opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies received from Shamama Amber (SA), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Doris Dallimore (DD), Prof David Jones (DJ), Rosemary Stockman (RS) and Jenny Hanman (JH),

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting September 13th 2018

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

 Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

4. Election/re-election of Committee members

 As per revised Constitution, December meeting is the formal Annual General Meeting (AGM). Current Chair & Vice-Chairs have expressed an interest in continuing respective roles. Members voted to retain:

  • Richard Cole – Chair
  • Dinah Ball –Vice Chair
  • Ian Thomas-Vice Chair

Viv Riley nominated for role of Treasurer and duly voted into this position. RC reported bank balance of £2332.11 in PPG account.

The above positions will be for a minimum period of one year.

5. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2018.

5.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

RS reported (via SM) no further contact made with school. Following discussion, Members  unanimously agreed it would be reasonable to close this line of work. Always possible to re-establish links in the future.

5.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided update. Meetings going well with increased membership & continued involvement from Fiona Morse. First Cluster wide session held in October. Diabetes UK progressing another project – pre-diabetes.

5.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB provided update. Café is progressing well although numbers have declined again. Contemplating whether to stop café as possibly has run its course. Decision made to carry on and due to Church Centre refurbishment, Café to be held in smaller, lounge area in future. New flyers expected soon. RS & JH to promote in Sainsbury’s. Discussion re: Cluster-wide publicity. HS outlined ‘dementia book scheme; information available on PPG information table. Action. RS & JH

5.4 Health Information Point & PPG website

VR provided update. Information point going well with good engagement with patients.

VR reported PPG website progressing well & plans to be functional in the New Year. Website writing software & license purchased. VR & DD to format Carer’s information. Action. VR & DD. Members discussion re: photographs/images – would add interest. Members to provide a short up to date profile by the next meeting. Group photo at next meeting. Action. ALL

5.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT provided update. Revised plan discussed & agreed. Members thanked IT for the helpful format which outlines the wide scope of work undertaken by the PPG. Plan to be added to PPG website.

5.6 Cefn-Onn Park/Walking Group Project

VR provided update. ‘Trial’ walk undertaken. VR to co-ordinate further walks in the New Year. Members expressed thanks to VR for her persistence with this project.

Action VR

5.7 PPG Thyroid Health Forum –review of event

Members agreed excellent event & excellent feedback. IT reported event has been a community talking point. To consider taking forward peer support group in 2019. IT to follow-up with Prof Lazarus. Thanks to all members for a fantastic event, particularly to IT for his persistence with this topic.

6. Carers

SM provided update on behalf of DD. Members agreed for DD to invite speaker who has worked with GP’s to increase information and support for Carers to next meeting. SM to inform DD.  Action SM.

7. Practice/Cluster news

SM provided update.

Flu vaccination programme progressing well despite challenges with vaccine delivery. Almost 3000 vaccines given to date.

Temporary discontinuation of Travel Vaccination service due to shortage of Practice Nurse appointments. New PN recruited – starts beginning of March 2019.

Funding made available from C&V Trust to assist with sustainability issues in Primary Care. 2 new projects to be implemented:

  1. musculo-skeletal service (physiotherapist to provide first –line advice & referrals). Due to be implemented in 2019.
  2. mental health practitioner to be available in Practice. Due to be implemented in 2020.

Dr Mayo has become a Trustee of the ‘Forget Me Not’ choir & will continue exploring links with choir/PPG.

8. Any other business

  • IT reported Welsh Government Consultation on ‘Loneliness & social isolation ends January. Please see WG website to contribute.
  • Peer support group for people with mental health conditions –meeting monthly in community room at Llanishen Hub Next meeting 12th January 2019 from 2-4pm.
  • IT involved in Medical Student sessions-very worthwhile.
  • Cardiff City Council Homeless Strategy issued.
  • Health Board’s ‘Shaping Our Future Wellbeing Strategy’ can be downloaded from UHB website.

9. Date of next meeting

  • Thursday March 14th
  • Thursday June 13th
  • Thursday September 12th
  • Thursday December 12th





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