PPG Meeting – Thursday 15th March 2018


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 15th March 2018 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Sarah Harries (SH), Veronica Underwood (VU), Viv Riley (VR), Dr Helen Sherwood (HS), Rosemary Stockman (RS), Jenny Hanman (JH), Dinah Ball (DB), Doris Dallimore (DD), Angharad Roberts (AR)

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies received from J Shamama Amber (SA), Ian Thomas (IT), Julia Greenhaf (JG),  Prof David Jones.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting December 7th 2017

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

4. Macmillan Cancer Care Co-ordinator/Primary Care Cancer Framework Programme – short presentation by Mark Allen

Members to return feedback to either Mark, SM or hand in to Reception by 25.3.18.

5. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2018.

5.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

No progress with school. Discussion re: possibility of working with other schools or engagement with LHS via ‘chat room’. To leave as an agenda item. RS to research issues and make contact with school. Discussion re: sexual health clinics. Depending on outcome of research, may re-commence sessions.

Action RS.

5.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided update. Last meeting, very positive attendance. Podiatrist attending next meeting on 21.3.18. SM reported plans for Peer Support Group for type 1 diabetic patients being developed by Diabetes UK.

5.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB provided update. Café is an ongoing success although numbers remain small at approx 10 per session. Thanks extended to members involved for continued involvement in this successful initiative.

5.4 Health Information Point & PPG website

VR provided update. Positive presence in waiting area during information point sessions & VR reported positive feedback from patients.

VR & RC met with Cameron Nazemi to review website set-up. Website in development, positive progress. Draft templates tabled at meeting for members to review. VR & RC to continue developing website. Possibility of representative from Carer’s Wales to attend June meeting. DD to explore.

Action RC, VR, DD

5.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

RC outlined progress with PPG banner. Members to review draft graphics at next meeting.

Further to discussions at last meeting, RC has reviewed Constitution. Draft copy circulated. Group discussion & agreement to feedback to RC & SM. For approval/review at next meeting.

Action All.

5.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

Discussed in agenda item 5.8.

5.7 Cefn-Onn Park/Walking Group Project

VR provided update. VR to contact Vale re: Public Liability insurance. Action VR

5.8 PPG ‘Health Forum’ event – Autumn 2018

Date set for Autumn Forum event Wednesday 3rd October at 6.30pm at the Medical Centre. -IT has contacted Professor Lazarus who expressed enthusiasm for the Forum and willingness to be a key-note speaker. RC & VR have developed draft flyers/promotional material.  Next sub-group meeting planned for 19.4.18 at 9.30am. Action ALL.

6. Carers

DD reported Carer’s Week is 11-17th June. Group discussion. Possibility of promotional week with banners & leaflets. DD & JG to progress. Action DD & JG

7. Practice/Cluster news

SM provided information on the Bowel Cancer Screening campaign launched across Wales to increase participation in the Bowel Screening Programme which is offered to 60-74 year old patients. Practice uptake is 61.8% (highest in cluster). PPG members to promote via word of mouth. Leaflets available within Practice.  Action ALL

SM reported evaluation underway of the Primary Care Nurse for Older People role.

Dr Mayo commenced salaried GP position in January. Dr Mayo wishes to pass on his regards to members.

New Reception Team members in post – Julia Sims & Rebecca Trott.

8. Any other business

  • RC reported PPG Awareness week – 4-9th June.
  • NAPP AGM is being held 9.6.18 in Nottingham. If any members wish to attend, travel cost will be funded via the PPG. Please let RC know if you would like to attend. Action ALL.
  • RC reported ‘scam’ telephone calls targeting Whitchurch area, attempting to extract information regarding bank/financial details.

9. 2018 Meetings

  • Thursday June 14th
  • Thursday September 13th
  • Autumn Health Forum event –Wednesday October 3rd at 6.30pm.
  • Thursday December 13th

Health Forum Planning meeting

Thursday 19th April at 9.30am –Planning meeting

Previous articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 7th December 2017
Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 14th June 2018