PPG Meeting – Thursday 7th December 2017


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 7th December 2017 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Julie Godwin (JGod), Veronica Underwood (VU), Viv Riley (VR), Dr Haydn Mayo (HGM), Shamama Amber (SA), Ian Thomas (IT), Dinah Ball (DB), Angharad Roberts (AR), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Rosemary Stockman (RS), Prof David Jones (DJ).

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members. RC reported that Pam Parkhouse is unable to continue her membership of the PPG.

Apologies received from Jenny Hanman, Doris Dallimore.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting September 7th 2017

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity for 2017.

4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

RC reported no further contact from school. Members agreed School Council representative to be removed from agenda due to lack of progress. RC to consider alternative ways of engaging with School & possibility of engagement with other local schools/youth groups. Group discussion, suggestion of a bursary & possible link with Duke of Edinburgh groups. RS & JG to prepare project proposal for next meeting.

Action JG & RS.

4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided update. Numbers fluctuating over past few months. Last meeting, very positive attendance. Plan for 2018 meetings being prepared. Next meeting 20.12.17.

Expert Patient programme continues at Practice.

4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB provided update. Café is an ongoing success although numbers remain small at approx 10 per session. Discussion re: local advertising and flyers in circulation. To attach flyers to repeat prescriptions again early in New Year. Thanks extended to members involved for continued involvement in this successful initiative.

4.4 Health Information Point & PPG website

VR provided update. Positive presence in waiting area during information point sessions. VR, RC, IT & SM met with Cameron Nazemi to progress PPG website. Process commenced with initial payment of £250. 1st draft reviewed. Members a little disappointed with outputs and engagement from Cameron. Group discussion. Agreement that company be given a final chance.

Action RC, VR, SM.

4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT/RC provided update. Further to discussions at last meeting, RC has revisited Constitution (prepared in 2009) & objectives. Group discussion & agreement that appropriate level of administrative control in place and structure not too formal. RC to revise in line with suggestions and circulate to members. Action RC.

Discussion re: financial position and possible requirement for Treasurer. No members forthcoming for the role. Members agreed RC to continue financial administration for Group. Discussion regarding PPG banners. RC to prepare some design examples for circulation. Action RC.

Further discussion re: format of TV screen information. Very positive feedback provided. Tannoy system discussed. Some variability in effectiveness. SM to provide feedback to clinicians. Action SM.

IT outlined Action Plan. Members thanked IT for excellent summary of PPG work. Discussion re: PPG/Practice development. DJ expressed an interest in policy development. HGM/DJ to progress. Action DJ/HGM

4.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

IT provided update. To be explored in conjunction with Health Forum discussions.

IT has contacted Professor Lazarus who expressed enthusiasm for the Forum and willingness to be a key-note speaker. Date TBC. Action IT to progress.

4.7 Cefn-Onn Park/Walking Group Project

VR provided update. Members attended meeting in vale. Ongoing discussion regarding administrative burden. VR to establish cost of insurance. VR to contact Community Councillor David Walker. Action VR

4.8 PPG ‘Health Forum’ event – Spring 2018

IT has contacted Professor Lazarus who expressed enthusiasm for the Forum and willingness to be a key-note speaker. Date TBC. IT requested assistance from interested members. Members to e-mail Ian with ideas.  Sub-group meeting planned for 11.1.18 at 9.30am.in New Year. Action IT/ALL.

5. Carers

JG keen to create increased awareness of Carers & to attend Carers Champion meetings. Practice successful with Bronze accreditation. Due for review in 2018.

6. Practice/Cluster news

HGM reported that he will be taking a step back from the Partnership in the New Year.

He will be working as a Salaried GP from 1.1.18. Dr Richard Jones will become Senior Partner & Dr Helen Sherwood will become Managing Partner and will provide the interface between the Practice/Partnership & PPG. HGM thanked members for their support over the past 13 years. RC extended warmest thanks and appreciation to HGM on behalf of the PPG.

7. Any other business

  • IT reported he will be joining the Community Health Council.
  • IT reported Hackney cabs refusing short distance travel/journeys for disabled patients. Members asked to feedback to IT if they hear reports of similar incidents. Action All.

8. Date of 2018 meetings

  • Thursday March 15th
  • Thursday June 14th
  • Thursday September 13th
  • Thursday December 13th
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