PPG Meeting – Thursday 13th September 2018


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 13th September 2018 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre

Minutes of Meeting


Present: Dinah Ball (DB) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Ian Thomas (IT), Veronica Underwood (VU), Viv Riley (VR), Shamama Amber (SA), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Doris Dallimore (DD), Angharad Roberts (AR) Prof David Jones (DJ), Rosemary Stockman (RS), Jenny Hanman (JH), Julie Godwin (JG).

1. Welcome & Apologies

DB opened meeting and welcomed members. DB reported that RC has been unwell throughout the summer. Members would like to send their best wishes for a speedy recovery. SM to send card on behalf of PPG.

Apologies received from Richard Cole (RC) and Dr Helen Sherwood (HS).

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting June 14th 2018

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2018.

4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

RS reported contact made with school. RS awaiting response.

Action RS.

4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

SM provided update. Next meeting 19.9.18. First Cluster wide session to be held in October.

4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB provided update. Café is progressing well although numbers have declined again. SM to update information on patient screens.  DB to re-design flyer. Flyers to be added to prescriptions. Members suggested venues to place posters. Action SM/DB.

4.4 Health Information Point & PPG website

VR provided update. Proposed website discussed at cost of £412. DB reported £2405 in PPG account. Members agreed to proceed with website and provided grateful thanks to VR & RC for their input.

4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT provided update.

Members agreed IT to update plan.

4.6 Cefn-Onn Park/Walking Group Project

VR provided update. Thornhill Walking Group has been registered. Insurance cover provide by ‘Let’s walk Cymru’. VR to arrange meeting with interested group members to trial route. Members expressed thanks to VR for her persistence with this project.

Action VR & ALL

4.7 PPG ‘Health Forum’ event – October 3rd 2018

IT provided update. Group discussion. DB to circulate updated action points following meeting.  Action DB/ALL.

5. Carers

DD provided update. Members encouraged to view the Carer’s Trust website & newsletter. Action ALL.

6. Practice/Cluster news

SM provided update.

Dr Sara Shah & Dr Charlotte Luke joined the Practice in August, along with the new Registrars Dr Greg Stuart & Dr Elinor Jones.

Flu vaccination clinics will be held in October for eligible patients.

7. Any other business

  • IT reported a monthly gathering for people suffering with loneliness & social isolation – ‘Bus-Pass Explorers’.
  • Members expressed thanks to DB for successfully Chairing the meeting.

8. Date of next meeting

  • Autumn Health Forum event –Wednesday October 3rd at 6.30pm.
  • Thursday December 13th
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Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 13th December 2018