PPG Meeting – Thursday 14th June 2018


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 14th June 2018 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre

Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Ian Thomas (IT), Veronica Underwood (VU), Viv Riley (VR), Dinah Ball (DB), Doris Dallimore (DD), Angharad Roberts (AR) Prof David Jones.

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies received from J Shamama Amber (SA), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Sarah Harries (SH), Dr Helen Sherwood (HS), Rosemary Stockman (RS), Jenny Hanman (JH),

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting March 15th 2018

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2018.

 4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

JG & RS not present. No feedback received. To progress further at September meeting. RC to make contact with JG & RS in the interim.

Action RC.

4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided update. Last meeting, very positive attendance. RC outlined potential changes to group. Diabetes UK proposing delivering sessions at Cluster level with a social aspect to the meetings and emphasis on day to day experience of living with diabetes. Group to meet at various venues in North Cardiff. PPG group discussion. NCMC/PPG peer group to have open dialogue at June meeting next week. RC to provide update at next meeting. Action RC.

4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB provided update. Café is progressing well, making headway & moving in a positive direction. Joy Rees from Carers UK has become part of the team an is an excellent resource. ‘Music in Hospitals’ to provide concert at July session. Next café-July 10thfrom 2-3.30pm. DB to send flyers to DD & SM. Action DB.

4.4 Health Information Point & PPG website

VR provided update. Positive presence in waiting area during information point sessions & VR reported increasing number of patients interested in project.

RC met with Cameron Nazemi to review website set-up. Information provided by VR & RC. No further contact from Cameron. Group agreed very disappointing outcome & agreed to part company. RC to contact CN. DB to provide details of an alternative web designer. Action RC & DB.

4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT to re-convene meeting.

RC provided update re:Constitution & objectives. Group agreement to adopt the revised documents.

4.6 Cefn-Onn Park/Walking Group Project

VR provided update. Walking for Health Group disbanded. VR contacted ramblers re: Public Liability insurance. VR reported that group covered by insurance as long as links are retained with Ramblers/Council –VR has administrative information. Next step-PPG members to assist with walks. Several members interested. VR to undertake risk assessment then sub-group meeting to be organized. VR to scan & e-mail insurance schedule. Action VR & ALL

4.7 PPG ‘Health Forum’ event – Autumn 2018

Date set for Autumn Forum event Wednesday 3rd October at 6.30pm at the Medical Centre. Professor Lazarus to be Keynote Speaker. Mark Allen to speak also. RC & VR have developed draft flyers/promotional material.  Next sub-group meeting to take place immediately following main PPG meeting. Action ALL.

5. Carers

DD provided update. DD to compile draft information for Practice website. DD involved in re-development of Carer’s Centre in Cardiff. Group discussion re: PPG vision. Agreed ‘enabling Carer’s. Action DD.

6. Practice/Cluster news

SM provided update.

Dr O’Neill has left Practice following relocation to Bridgend. 2 new female GP’s joining in August, Dr Sara Shah & Dr Charlotte Luke.

Local development Plan-SM attending meeting this pm to discuss healthcare service provision following new housing developments in West/North Cardiff.

Dr Mayo will be leaving his role as North Cardiff Cluster Lead in July.

7. Any other business

  • IT reported Loneliness Action Plan & Strategy to be circulated to GP’s
  • IT reported new WG plan for Health & Social Care –report is on WG website.
  • IT reported new guide to good practice for Out Patients (UHW).
  • DJ reported his recent work on the history of the NHS and possibilities for the PPG. RC to circulate to group. Action RC.
  • SM to update website regarding Monday appointment availability. Action SM.

8. 2018 Meetings

  • Thursday September 13th
  • Autumn Health Forum event –Wednesday October 3rd at 6.30pm.
  • Thursday December 13th
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