PPG Meeting – Thursday 16th June 2016


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 16th June 2016 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre

Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Ian Thomas (IT), Dinah Ball (DB), Julia Greenhaf (JG) Viv Riley (VR), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM), Rosemary Stockman (RS), Jenny Hanman (JH), Rana Hashmi (RH).

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members. Group extended a warm welcome to new member Rana Hashmi.

Apologies received from Pam Parkhouse, Dr Haydn Mayo (HGM) and Angharad Roberts.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting March 10th 2016

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

DB reported launch of welcome café on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Thornhill Church Centre. DB reported positive feedback so far with attendance from PCSO & Council representatives. Lots of ideas in pipeline, café will evolve over time.  Group expressed warm congratulations to DB, JH & RS for this excellent initiative.

4. Overview of Parc Cefn-Onn Project. Rosie James. Cardiff City Council

RC welcomed Rosie to the meeting. RC thanked Rosie for a fascinating presentation and reported that the PPG is keen to offer support. Agreed ongoing dialogue and continued involvement of Group.

5. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2016.

5.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

DB & RC reported positive communication from Mrs Parry Head Teacher although possible problems with information filtering down into school. Group discussion re: next steps.  End of term approaching so nothing anticipated prior to end of school year. Agreed RC to e-mail & request meeting with heads of 6th form & PSE for next term. Action RC & DB.

5.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided feedback on the peer support sessions for type 2 diabetic patients. Attendance levels continue to be high and group progressing well. Diabetes Walk planned for 19.6.16. A series of future topics have been identified for forthcoming peer support meetings. RC to meet with Diabetes UK later today. Next session Wednesday 20th July 2016.

5.3 Health Information Point

VR reported progress. Future monthly sessions to continue.  PPG stand further developed and progress made with information folder. VR would appreciate more help with the sessions. Volunteers identified. SM to circulate dates for monthly in-Practice sessions. Next session Monday June 27th 2016. Action SM

Discussion re: My Health on Line-agreed promotion to resume.

5.4 Review of Health Forum ‘Carers’ event June 2016

Group reviewed recent event. Successful day and excellent networking opportunity. Attendance approx 30-40. Key people present although disappointing that some organisations unable to attend. Discussion re: sustainability. RC/SM to discuss further engagement with Practice. JG/DD to attend Reception meeting to discuss role of Carer.

Suggestion that Receptionist to attend future PPG meetings. Action SM

5.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT reported progress at first meeting. Objectives achieved.  Next meeting September. Date TBC. Action IT

5.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

IT reported good progress and will provide further update in September. Action IT

6. Practice news

SM reported that Practice is piloting a new walk-in sexual health clinic for young adults along with a facility for contraceptive services to be available later in the evenings. SM to forward flyer to DD. Action SM

The Practice Team recently raised £450 for Team Mark at a fundraising event, walking around Roath Park. Mark is recovering well and commenced a phased return to work in May, based at home. He is planning to return to work on a part-time basis in July.

SM reported that HGM wished to thank members for the recent successful Health Forum event. He has received very positive feedback from patients who attended.

7. Any other business

IT provided brief overview of WG proposals. IT to provide summary for group Action IT

Members reported issues with patient touch screen at reception. Action SM.

Discussion re: patient suggestions and concerns. SM to revise literature & add to PPG display. Action SM

VR provided update on Kings College Dementia Study. VR to print info & place on PPG display. Action VR.

8. Date of next meeting/s

  • Thursday September 8th
  • Thursday December 8th
Previous articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 5th March 2015
Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 8th September 2016