PPG Meeting – Thursday 5th March 2015


Present: Ian Thomas (IT) Chair, Dinah Ball (DB), Julia Greenhaf (JG) Viv Riley (VR), Colin Hembery (CH). Pam Parkhouse (PP), Dr Haydn Mayo (HGM), Sarah Morris (SM)


  1. Welcome & Apologies

IT opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies received from Richard Cole, Sandra Wildsmith and Angharad Roberts

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting December 11th 2014

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Progress with Action points outlined below.

PP provided feedback following contact with Llanishen High School regarding PPG representation from School Council. Very enthusiastic response. PP awaiting further contact and will feedback at next meeting.

Action PP

“members agreed to deliver flyers locally”

  1. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2015.

4.1 Llanishen High School liaison –School Council representative

Update provided within agenda item 3

Item discussed within agenda item 3.

4.2 2015 Health Forum event –Monday April 20th. ‘Living Well with Dementia’.

SM provided update and draft programme. Discussion regarding publicity, raffle and plans for the event. Members agreed to progress individual actions and re-gather on 26.3.15 for final planning meeting. Members agreed to deliver flyers locally. HGM suggested local care homes bring residents along to event. SM to contact.

Action SM & All members – Sub-group meeting Thursday 26th March 2015 at 9.30am.

4.3 Health Information Point

SM & VR reported progress with the health information point. Sessions to re-commence on 9.3.15. SW unable to assist at the moment due to family commitments. Sessions continue to be well received by patients & feedback has been positive. VR to continue to promote MHOL registration during sessions.

Action VR

  1. NAPP Corkhill Award update

DB provided update regarding PPG submission for the Corkhill award. First draft completed by DB. DB to circulate to PPG members for initial feedback. Final draft to be prepared by the beginning of April for submission to NAPP prior to deadline date of 20th April. DB & SM to prepare final draft following feedback from members.

Action DB & SM

  1. Practice news

Members confirmed receipt of invitations to Dr Bloomfield’s retirement celebration. Members agreed to contribute to Dr Bloomfield’s retirement gift individually. SM to organise card for signature by PPG members at next sub-group meeting.

Dr Jonathon Campbell to join Partnership from June 1st 2015.

  1. Any other business

IT reported contact with local Thyroid Support Group with possibility of a Bristish Thyroid Foundation display point in the reception area. IT to contact to arrange. Action IT

DB informed members of her application to become a parent/governor at Llanishen High School. PPG members wished DB every success with her nomination.

  1. Date of next meeting

Meeting dates 2015

  • Thursday June 11th
  • Thursday September 10th
  • Thursday December 10th



Previous articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 12th June 2014
Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 16th June 2016