PPG Meeting – Thursday 12th June 2014


Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Dinah Ball (DB), Viv Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP), Ian Thomas (IT)


  1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members. Members congratulated Ian on his return to the Group.

Apologies received from Dr H Mayo, Sandra Wildsmith and Angharad Roberts

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 6th March 2014

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed.

RC unveiled PPG banner. Group very pleased and extended thanks to RC for this work. Banners to be displayed in the Practice, one on each floor.

Discussion re: PPG account. Current balance £166

“extremely successful evening”

  1. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2014

4.1 Llanishen High School liaison

RC reported an extremely successful evening. A number of pupils and parents attended along with Mr Foster (Head of Art) and the Headmaster, Mr Smythe. Informal agreement between PPG and Mr Foster to set up an annual art changeover event in September.

SM in process of displaying art work and associated personalized paragraphs. Information to be displayed on Practice & School websites. Action SM/RC

Group agreed to make goodwill gesture to School and purchase art materials for the Art Dept. RC to organize purchase of art materials & reiterate requirement to have an annual changeover event.

Discussion re: positive messages from the PPG/school liaison and possibility of a School Council member/key members of staff to attend PPG meetings. Action PP to contact Interact Group

4.2 2014 Health Forum event

RC provided feedback following sub-group meeting in April and draft plans for a ‘Women’s Health’ event. Various suggestions offered. Group discussion and agreement that Forum needs to be ‘fun’. Date & venue agreed – Monday evening (15th September at Thornhill Church Centre). The Centre has kindly agreed that the venue will be free of charge.

Members agreed to progress ideas via a sub-group meeting on Thursday July 10th at 9.30am. Action – All

4.3 Health Information Point update

SM reported progress with the health information point. IPAD delivered. Discussion re: next steps. Group discussion about the aim of the information point and safeguarding PPG volunteers. RC reminded members of the list of PPG objectives and intentions – to make the patient experience better. SM to produce draft protocol prior to PPG volunteers engaging with patients. Action SM

  1. Practice news

SM provided Practice update:

  • Dr Bloomfield has returned following hip surgery.
  • Dr Elise Lang has returned to the Practice.
  • Ruth Sutton (Senior Practice Nurse & Nicola Pitman (Data Administrator) will be commencing Maternity Leave later this year.
  • Senior Practice Nurses providing acute illness sessions. Patients with minor illness e.g. cough, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, ear problems will be referred to the Nurses in the first instance.
  1. Any other business

Discussion regarding patients who ‘do not attend’ appointments. IT keen to assist with this problem. Action SM/IT to progress.

  1. Date of next meeting

Please see revised list of meetings below

Meeting dates 2014

  • Thursday July 10th – Health Forum event planning meeting 9.30 am
  • Thursday September 11th – PPG meeting 9.30am            
  • Monday September 15th – Autumn Health Forum event (evening)
  • Thursday December 11th –PPG meeting


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