Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Dinah Ball (DB), Viv Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP), Ian Thomas (IT)
- Welcome & Apologies
RC opened meeting and welcomed members. RC reported the very sad news that Angharad’s husband Wyn died suddenly earlier this week. PPG members both shocked and saddened & wish to extend deepest sympathy to Angharad and her family. SM to send card from Group. Action – SM
Apologies: Dr H Mayo
RC updated members that Ian Thomas is currently unable to continue with PPG work due to his competing commitments. IT is hoping to review his position during 2014 and will hopefully return as Vice-Chair later this year. Group agreed to continue circulating minutes to IT. Action SM
- Minutes of Previous Meeting 12th December 2013
Minutes accepted as an accurate record.
- Action Points/ Matters Arising
Action points completed.
- Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2014
4.1 Llanishen High School liaison
RC reported that discussions have taken place with Paul Foster. Open evening event planned for Thursday 15th May 2014 to exchange current art work and display art work from years 9-12. Small batches of art work to be received prior to 15th. RC confirmed that pupils will prepare a personalized paragraph for display below each painting to ensure individual recognition for work.
Group discussed positioning of art work, possibly in clusters. Existing art work to be returned to the school. Discussion re: invitations to evening event. Agreed parents, teachers and PPG members. RC to prepare invitations. Action – RC
Drinks and canapés to be provided by PPG.
SM will arrange for art work to be displayed. Action – SM
4.2 2014 Autumn Health Forum event
Discussion re: 2013 event & success. Ideas for this years Forum include –Women’s Health and nutrition. Members agreed to discuss further at Forum planning meeting on Thursday April 3rd at 9.30am. Action – All members.
RC reported progress with the PPG banner. Examples demonstrated on screen. Members agreed excellent idea and extended thanks to RC for this work. Options discussed and 2 (8 ft) banners to be ordered. Action RC
Discussion re: PPG account. Currently £300 + Christmas raffle money (£57.75).
£125 required for school art project and the balance will be utilized for the PPG banners. Group suggested an Easter raffle. RC to e-mail members for contributions.
Action- RC
4.3 Health Information Point update
SM reported progress with the health information point. IPAD ordered and due to be delivered at the end of March. SW currently struggling with eyesight which the Group agreed will be useful when demonstrating enlarged print options with patients. SW & VR to plan next steps following delivery of IPAD. Action VR & SW
- Practice news
SM provided Practice update:
- Dr Bloomfield has had hip surgery and will be off until June.
- Heather Clark & Eileen Doyle – new Senior Practice Nurses.
- Senior Practice Nurses providing acute illness sessions. Patients with minor illness e.g. cough, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, ear problems will be referred to the Nurses in the first instance.
- Dr Helen Sherwood joined Partnership in January.
- Dr Stevenson is returning soon following a skiing accident.
- Insync Pharmacy is in discussion with Llanishen Good Neighbours (LGN). There is a strong possibility that the LGN service will be discontinued due to funding issues. The Pharmacy is considering the provision of a transport service to assist patients registered with the Pharmacy to attend appointments at the Practice.
- Monthly voluntary sector inputs in the foyer continue to be successful.
- Any other business
- Date of next meeting
Thursday June 12th at 9.30am
Meeting dates 2014
- Thursday June 12th
- Thursday September 11th
- Thursday December 11th