PPG Meeting – Thursday 12th December 2013


Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Dinah Ball (DB), Sandra Wildsmith (SW), Viv Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP)


  1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies: Ian Thomas (IT).

RC reported that IT is unable to continue with PPG work due to his competing commitments. IT will review the position during 2014 and will hopefully return as Vice-Chair.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 6th June 2013

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed.

HGM provided PPG members with an update on team activities and changes at the Medical Centre.

  • Dr Helen Sherwood joining partnership on 1st January 2014
  • Emma Cain has returned to the Practice as senior Practice Nurse.
  • Sue Davis will be retiring in March 2014 following 32 years
  • Dr Matt Dexter appointed as a Partner in Newport.
  • New NCMC Facebook page created.

Team development afternoon held in November

“agreed, the provision of pharmacy services to lisvane would be both necessary and desirable”

  1. Review of PPG profile & 2013 activity

4.1 Llanishen High School Liaison

RC reported that little progress made following retirement of Marla Phillips.

Change over event for art work to be planned in the New Year.

Discussion re: developing further links with the School Council & possibility of a year 13 pupil representative on PPG.


RC to liaise with Paul Foster regarding exchange of art work

DB & RC to plan ‘changeover’ event.

RC to liaise re: invitation to year 13 pupil representative.

4.2 Autumn Health Forum event

Discussion re: successful Forum event. RC extended thanks to members for the various inputs on the day. Discussion re: possible ideas (women’s health) advertising and timing of future Health Forum events.

Further discussion re: PPG display banner. RC reported draft costs and circulated ideas for images. Members agreed to progress with the banner.


RC to progress PPG display banner.

4.3 Health Information Point update

SM reported progress with the health information point. SW & VR have undertaken a review of the current website content which is reported as extensive & informative. Little progress made with the hardware position. Group discussion re: current position. HGM suggested Practice source IPAD & printer facilities & group agreed to provide a presence in the waiting area on a rota system. Suggestions that this commences with approx 4 hours per month to:

  • assist patients with internet access to health information/Practice website
  • promote PPG
  • interface with patients

SM reported that monthly voluntary sector inputs in the surgery foyer have been successful with Voluntary organisations booked until May 2014. Discussion re: presence in reception/foyer area.


HGM/SM to progress purchase of IPAD.

4.4 NAPP Conference

RC & DB provided feedback following their attendance at the recent NAPP conference. RC/DB reported an interesting day with a degree of conflict apparent between English Practices & PP Groups. Conference provided networking opportunities and good examples of successful collaborative working.

  1. Practice news

Discussed within agenda item 3.

  1. Any other business


  1. Date of next meeting

Thursday 6th March 2014

Meeting dates 2014

  • Thursday March 6th
  • Thursday June 12th
  • Thursday September 11th
  • Thursday December 11th


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