PPG Meeting – Thursday 7th June 2013


Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Dinah Ball (DB), Sandra Wildsmith (SW), Viv Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP)


  1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members. Sue Barrow in attendance

Apologies: Viv Riley, Ian Thomas, Pam Parkhouse

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 7th March 2013

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed.


  1. Supporting Carers in Primary Care. Sue Barrow – Patient Experience Facilitator Cardiff & Vale UHB.

Sue provided an interesting overview of her role as Patient Experience Facilitator and the work being undertaken to support Carers within Cardiff & the Vale. Sue outlined the Cardiff & Vale UHB Carer’s Strategy (working in partnership with Cardiff Council) and informed the group of Carer’s week (10th – 16th June).  The Practice has a Crer’s champion – Zena Gharibi (Prescribing Clerk/Receptionist). Sue is keen to be involved in the Autumn Health Forum event.

  1. RCGP PPG Awareness week 3-7th June

SM provided an update following attendance at RCGP Patient Participation in Primary Care meeting at Butetown Health Centre on March 21st.  The RCGP Wales Patient Partnership in Practice Group (PPiP) is aiming to raise awareness of patient groups throughout Wales. Several PPG’s from across Wales were represented at the meeting.

On Tuesday 4th June members of the RCGP Wales PPiP Group met with representatives of the Patient Participation Group at North Cardiff Medical Centre to promote awareness of the benefit that groups provide in practical support for the surgery, fostering improved communication between the practice and its patients and helping patients to take more responsibility for their health. A press release was issued on June 5th. SM circulated to members.

  1. Review of PPG profile & activity update

6.1 Llanishen High School Liaison

RC outlined that new art work is expected in July.

6th form representative to be invited to next meeting.


RC to liaise with Paul Foster regarding exchange of art work

DB & RC to plan ‘changeover’ event.

RC to liaise with MP re: invitation to 6th form representative.

6.2 Autumn Health Forum event

RC updated members. Date agreed as Thursday 12th September. Planning progressing well with several possibilities to explore. Further sub-group meeting planned for Thursday 27th June at 9.30. SM to e-mail members.


SM to circulate details of June meeting.

6.3 Health Information Point update

Successful sub-group meetings. 2 objectives:

  1. To fill gaps in current website provision. SW/VR provided feedback on position.
  2. To source hardware to provide an information point for patients.


SW to present sub-group work to date at next PPG meeting

6.4 NAPP Conference

Discussion re: Conference in Bristol this coming weekend. IT unable to attend. RC & SW to attend.


RC & SW to attend and feedback to members at next meeting.

  1. Practice news
  • SM provided an update. 2 new Reception Team Leaders appointed – Sarah Casey & Ceri Molan.
  • GP Partnership vacancy advertised. New partner to be appointed over the forthcoming months.
  • GP Registrars Dr Huw Lloyd Morgan & Dr Dora Hemson will be leaving the Practice in July. Our new GP Registrars will be Dr Morgan Pomeroy & Dr Lianne Price.
  1. Any other business

SM reported that Stop Smoking Wales are running individual & group smoking cessation sessions every Thursday at the Practice.

  1. Date of next meeting

Thursday 12th September – Autumn Health forum event


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Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 12th December 2013