Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Dinah Ball (DB), Sandra Wildsmith (SW), Viv Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP)
- Welcome & Apologies
RC opened meeting and welcomed members. Phil Marshall in attendance.
Apologies: None received.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting 13th December 2012
Minutes accepted as an accurate record.
- Action Points/ Matters Arising
Members reminded to forward outstanding member profiles to SM
- Introduction to Phil Marshall – Minister Thornhill Church Centre
Phil Marshall/PPG introductions. Phil provided a brief overview of his Ministerial position at the Thornhill Centre.
- Review of PPG profile, activity update & 2013 planning
5.1 Llanishen High School Liaison
DB & RC visited LHS and met with Paul Foster – Head of Art. New art work will be ready in July. Discussion re: existing art work. Pupils to decide whether work can be retained at the Medical Centre. HGM proposed that pupils are invited to visit Medical Centre to observe art display and re-energise relationships between the PPG/Medical Centre & LHS. A summary/information piece will be available for each picture.
RC to liaise with Paul Foster regarding summarising ideas.
PPG to plan art work ‘changeover’ event.
VR to progress news article on PPG page of website and LHS school newsletter.
PP to contact Lisvane Link.
5.2 Autumn Health Forum event
First planning group meeting postponed due to snow. Likely topic – Voluntary Sector Organisations/services. Planning meeting April 11th at 9.30am. Brief discussion re: content of day. Could include CPR/first aid session.
5.3 Health Information Point
Successful sub-group meeting. 2 objectives:
- To fill gaps in current website provision. SW/VR provided feedback on position.
- To source hardware to provide an information point for patients. SM provided feedback that clinical system suppliers developing necessary software to incorporate information point (for information exchange between patient & medical centre) via existing self check-in screens.
PPG discussion re: health literacy and shared decision making with patients. Agreed target audience should be those least likely to be able to access health information. Future sub-group meeting planned for March 21st.
5.4 Review of PPG membership
PPG discussion re: current membership. Agreed group is a reasonably comfortable size. Could co-opt members if specific project needs to be taken forward. Discussion re: possibility of representation from LHS – School Council. Possibly Student representative and staff member (teaching assistant). RC has already contacted LHS regarding this suggestion -will await response.
5.5 NAPP conference
RC outlined details of NAPP annual conference. 2013 event is in Bristol on 8th June. Conference title – ‘Primary Care in the Digital Age’. Cost is £40 per delegate. SW interested in attending. SW/RC to confirm booking details.
Action SW/RC
6 Any other business
SM to circulate member details.
Action SM
SM reported that Stop Smoking Wales will be running individual & group smoking cessation sessions from the end of March at the Practice.
RC/SM to attend Patient Participation in Primary Care meeting at Butetown Health Centre on March 21st.
Action SM/RC
VR provided positive feedback on the on-line appointment booking system. Requesting repeat medication on-line currently necessitates a 5 day turnaround time. SM to look into this & feedback to members.
Action SM
- Date of next meeting
Meeting dates for 2013
Meetings held at Excalibur Drive from 9.30am – 11.30am
- Thursday March 7th
- Thursday June 6th
- Thursday September 12th
- Thursday December 12th