PPG Meeting – Thursday 26th January 2017


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 26th January 2017 at 9.30am

Thornhill Church Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Dinah Ball (DB), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Sarah Morris (SM), Sarah Harries (SH), Dr Haydn Mayo (HGM), Ian Thomas (IT), Viv Riley (VR), Rana Hashmi (RH), Shamama Amber (SA).

In attendance – Claire Gilhooly Cardiff City Council Independent Living Services.

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members. Agenda items taken out of sequence due to presentation from Claire Gilhooly.

Apologies received from Pam Parkhouse, Angharad Roberts, Rosemary Stockman and  Jenny Hanman

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting September 8th 2016

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

RC provided feedback from Citizen Driven Health presentation evening on 25th January.

IT tabled a report for circulation following attendance at recent Public Health conference.

4. Cardiff City Council – Independent Living Services

Claire Gilhooly-Service Manager provided an overview of the service. The Independent Living Service is a central point of contact for all aspects of social care (housing, occupational therapy, finance, support groups etc). Focus is to support people

to continue living in their own homes. Contact number 02920 234 234

5. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2017.

5.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

RC reported recent correspondence to Mrs Parry Head Teacher inviting any member of school staff to attend the PPG meeting and consider projects we could work on. RC reported a very disappointing lack of response  and feeling that we have lost the relationship with the art & PSE departments. Group discussion. Suggestion that a change of PPG member might be helpful. PP and JG to progress. JG to contact PP. Brief discussion regarding involvement of Rob Cousins (Pharmacist at Insync Pharmacy). Possibility of Rob’s further involvement/link with PPG. Action JG

5.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided feedback on the peer support sessions for type 2 diabetic patients. Attendance levels continue to grow and feedback is extremely positive. The Group is now more focused with a specific educational/discussion programme. Diabetes UK exploring methods to measure outcomes to monitor success of project. Group discussion re: wellbeing questionnaire and educational components. Concept of health related ‘Pocket Medic’ discussed (series of short health promotion films). SM to show a selection of films at next PPG meeting. Action SM

Next peer support meeting Wednesday 15th February at 7pm

5.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB reported progress with the café. Café is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Thornhill Church Centre. DB reported very positive feedback from attendees. RC made aware of questions regarding the appropriateness of the Thornhill Centre as a venue. RC to hold further discussions with those involved.

Action RC

5.4 Health Information Point

VR reported progress. Future monthly sessions to continue. PPG information table display reviewed and updated. VR would very much appreciate more help with the sessions. SM to circulate dates for the 2017 monthly in-Practice sessions.  Action SM

5.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT tabled revised action plan for consideration by members. Action ALL

5.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

IT provided update & development timeline. Possibility of North Cardiff Thyroid Support Group with initial meeting on a Cluster basis. Group discussion and concerns raised regarding formal approach of British Thyroid Foundation. HGM to raise with Cluster Group.  Action HGM

5.7 Carers

Carers to appear as a standing agenda item for future meetings.

JG provided feedback from recent Carers Champion meeting. Progress made with joint working with different agencies.  JG reported variable knowledge within the Practice regarding the role of Carers Champion. SH to feedback to team. Action SH

6. Practice/Cluster news

SM reported Practice news:

  • Dr Huw Lloyd-Morgan & Dr Elise Lang joined the Partnership in January 2017. Both were previously Salaried GP’s at the Practice.
  • Mark returned to full-time role in October 2016.
  • New appointment system in place since November 2016. Patient feedback has been generally positive. New message has helped direct patients accordingly. Triage system has assisted patients to access the correct service/clinician and manage workload more efficiently. SM requested feedback from Group. Action All

7. Any other business

7.1 Put patients first: Back general practice campaign (RCGP/NAPP)

IT circulated campaign information. To be displayed on PPG stand.

7.2 PPG Awareness week – 19th June 2017

IT reminded members re: date of PPG Awareness week.

  • RC reported that Peter Sadler, one of the founder members of the PPG sadly passed away earlier this month. SM to send card to family.
  • JG to forward information relating to Mental Health GP Liaison meeting on 20.2.17 to HGM. Action JG
  • DD enquired about Addisons Disease and whether alerts are initiated to all GPs in cases of sudden deaths to raise the profile of rare conditions/illnesses? HGM reported that Coroners reports raise awareness of issues such as these.
  • JG reported concerns regarding monitoring of asthma patients. JG to e-mail concerns to SM. Action JG
  • IT attended 2 focus groups at UHW covering ‘Vision & Values’ and ‘the Future of Out-Patients at UHW’. Report due in June.
  • VR provided information about first aid courses being organised by the Red Cross. Group discussion about possibility of community CPR event.
  • SA enthusiastic about increased Twitter/Facebook activity for Practice. SM to put in touch with IT staff at Practice – Nicola & Mark.

8. Date of next meetings

  • Thursday March 16th
  • Thursday June 15th
  • Thursday September 7th
  • Thursday December 7th
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Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 16th March 2017