PPG Meeting – Thursday 16th March 2017


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 16th March 2017 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Sarah Harries (SH), Viv Riley (VR), Rosemary Stockman (RS), Jenny Hanman (JH), Angharad Roberts (AR), Doris Dallimore (DD).

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies received from Dinah Ball, Julia Greenhaf Dr Haydn Mayo, Ian Thomas, Rana Hashmi, Shamama Amber, Pam Parkhouse

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting January 26th 2017

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

RC offered particular thanks to IT for his ongoing community liaison, involvement & engagement work.

4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2017.

4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

Neither PP or JG able to attend meeting therefore no feedback to discuss. To remain on agenda for next meeting. Action JG & PP

4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided feedback on the peer support sessions for type 2 diabetic patients. Sessions continue with attendance levels continuing to grow. Feedback is extremely positive.

4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

RC offered thank to members DB, RS and JH for their ongoing support of this PPG initiative. RC outlined recent concerns regarding the appropriateness of the venue.

Following discussion & review it was agreed that the café is running well and is a positive experience for both the Carer & the person with dementia. The Group would benefit from a little more attendance. SM to publicise to Cluster of local Practices.

RS & JH to write comments to be posted on website & PPG display table.

Café is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Thornhill Church Centre. Action SM, JH, RS.

4.4 Health Information Point

VR reported progress. Future monthly sessions to continue and dates are publicized on PPG display table. 3 PPG members at last session.

4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

RC outlined progress with Communication Strategy. Group agreed a refresh required. SM to re-circulate Action Plan to members. Group discussion and agreement that the Group does so much with so few members. RC reiterated that the scope of work is broad and the only way to effectively manage the workload is by formation of sub-groups. Group agreed that more patients need to be involved. SM has details of 2 potential members. SM to contact.  Action SM

4.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

Discussion following submission of proposals by IT. Agreement that group would be better structured as a local support group as opposed to having national support group input. To progress on basis of small Cluster community and group will evolve. RC suggested inviting 100 patients in first instance. IT to lead with support from wider PPG. To discuss further with IT.

4.7 Cefn-Onn Park project – update

VR & JG attended ‘Walking for Health’ Leader Course seminar as part of the Cefn-Onn lottery funded project. Group discussion regarding formal walking group and apparent bureaucracy (waivers and insurance). VR willing to establish independent walking group on behalf of PPG and continue with informal model of delivery.  VR to circulate dates for pilot scheme. Action VR

4.8 Liaison with Crwys Medical Centre

Medical Centre in process of setting up a new PPG. SA to go along on 24.4.17 to assist. RC to liaise with SA prior to visit. Action SA, RC

5. Carers

DD reported link present on website to Carers Wales. DD to gather further information on the new Social Services & Wellbeing Act with a view to placing a survey on the PPG display table. Action DD. Group keen to promote Carers Week and raise profile of same. Suggestion that everyone in the Practice identifies one or more Carers and adds to clinical system. Action SM

6. Practice/Cluster news

SM reported Practice news:

  • New Reception team members in post, Louise Lewis and Clare Ricketts
  • Dr Roya Basir to join the Partnership in May 2017.
  • Dr Nick Davies to join Practice as Salaried GP in May 2017
  • New appointment system in place since November 2016. PPG feedback welcomed. For further discussion under AOB.

7. Any other business

Group discussion regarding appointment system feedback. PPG members provided  feedback (both individual and from friends/neighbours/contacts) as follows:

  • Telephone message is long but good & effective
  • Really good service from acute/on-call GP
  • Efficient housecall service
  • Receptionists extremely helpful and good
  • On-call issue-GP called within an hour & problem sorted over the phone
  • Excellent feedback from friends who are patients
  • Service from Receptionists excellent

Discussion re: 2017 Health Forum event. To be added to agenda for next meeting. Ideas please? Action All

Discussion re: portable blood pressure monitor to be purchased for the reception area, as seen in other Practices. Possibility of PPG funding purchase. SM to establish cost. Action SM

8. Date of next meetings

  • Thursday June 15th
  • Thursday September 7th
  • Thursday December 7th
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