North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting
Thursday 15th June 2017 at 9.30am
North Cardiff Medical Centre
Minutes of Meeting
Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Sarah Harries (SH), Viv Riley (VR), (AR), Doris Dallimore (DD), Bryan John (BJ), Veronica Underwood (VU), Shamama Amber (SA), Ian Thomas (IT), Dr Haydn Mayo (HGM).
1. Welcome & Apologies
RC opened meeting and welcomed members. A warm welcome was extended to 2 new members VU & BJ.
Apologies received from Dinah Ball, Rosemary Stockman, Jenny Hanman, Angharad Roberts, Julia Greenhaf, Rana Hashmi, Pam Parkhouse.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting March 16th 2017
Minutes accepted as an accurate record.
3. Action Points/ Matters Arising
Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.
SA outlined recent successful PPG meeting at Crwys Medical Centre. HGM reported that 3 PPG groups now established in Cluster. HGM to explore possibility of UHB filming video clips of PPG. Action HGM
4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2017.
4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative
Neither PP or JG able to attend meeting therefore no feedback for discussion. To remain on agenda for next meeting. Action JG & PP
4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group
RC provided update. ED sadly leaving Practice. Group to continue and plans to become genuine peer support vehicle. Sessions continue with attendance levels continuing to grow. Feedback is extremely positive.
4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre
RC provided update. Café is an ongoing success. Discussion re: wider publicity for group, possibly local Nursing Homes. Decision to attach information to repeat prescriptions & dementia review invitations in the first instance and assess uptake. SM to organise. Café is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Thornhill Church Centre. Action SM
4.4 Health Information Point
VR reported progress. Future monthly sessions to continue and dates are publicised on PPG display table. Group discussion about the sessions linking with listening projects, podcasts and general PPG promotion.
4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group
IT refreshed on Communication Strategy & ways to progress action plan. SM to forward details of Practice IT Co-ordinator (Nicola Pitman) to VR to lead on website development. Action SM
4.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group
IT provided update. To progress on basis of an open meeting at the Thornhill Church Centre in the Autumn time with possibility of attendance from an Endocrinologist. Will gauge response for core group for peer support/educational sessions/networking. To invite patients from the Practice and publicise. IT to progress. Action IT
4.7 Cefn-Onn Park project – update
VR provided update. Group discussion –preference to be run as a local group initiative. Further discussion re: risk assessments, disclaimers and advertising. VR to progress with support from VU. Action VR & VU
4.8 PPG ‘Health Forum’ event – 2017
Group discussion regarding potential topic areas. Possibility of Thyroid Health Forum proposed. To set a date for a sub-group meeting to progress Health Forum event in the Autumn (potential date of 2.10.17). Sub-group meeting on Thursday 20th July.
Action All.
5. Carers
DD provided update. DD to gather information for Practice website and liaise with VR re: PPG website regarding ‘Carer’s Corner’ link.
6. Practice/Cluster news
SM reported Practice news:
- Dr Roya Basir joined the Partnership in May 2017.
- Dr Nick Davies joined Practice as Salaried GP in May 2017
- Dr Ryan O’Neill, currently a GP Registrar will be joining as a Salaried GP in September
- Eileen Doyle – Senior Practice Nurse is leaving Cardiff to move back to Ireland.
- Hannah Crabtree & Fiona Morse recruited as new Practice Nurses.
- Revisions to appointment system taking place during July. Key features – increased numbers of pre-bookable appointments and morning surgeries to focus on acute problems.
- Voluntary sector displays continue in Reception area each month.
7. Any other business
Discussion re: portable blood pressure monitor. SM established cost, circa £2k.
RC, HGM & SM to meet in July to review PPG and discuss future direction and plans.
IT reported 26.6.17-PPG Awareness week.
Discussion re: information leaflets. Agreed information available on screens rather than paper format.
Excellent feedback re: appointment system.
Discussion re: booking appointments in advance and the current 2 week period and whether this is too short.
8. Date of next meetings
- Thursday July 20th -Health Forum sub-group meeting at 9.30am.
- Thursday September 7th
- Thursday December 7th