PPG Meeting – Thursday 7th September 2017


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 7th September 2017 at 9.30am

North Cardiff Medical Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Sarah Morris (SM), Julie Godwin (JGod), Veronica Underwood (VU), Shamama Amber (SA), Ian Thomas (IT), Dinah Ball (DB), Pam Parkhouse (PP), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Jenny Hanman (JH), Prof David Jones

1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members. A warm welcome was extended to new member Prof David Jones.

Apologies received from Rosemary Stockman, Angharad Roberts, Viv Riley, Doris Dallimore, Dr Haydn Mayo.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting June 15th 2017

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

RC reported an anonymous donation of £1000. PPG account current balance £2652)

Discussion re: potential of utilising funds. Suggestions include: further promotion of PPG, re-fresh of publicity material, PPG website.

HGM to explore possibility of UHB filming video clips of PPG. Action HGM

4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity for 2017.

4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

PP provided update. Contact made with LHS with very positive response. PP to re-contact now school year has resumed. Group agreed one more attempt at requesting a 6th form/school representative for the PPG. Action JG & PP

4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided update. Group continues to be very popular with regular attendance from 15-20 members. RC meeting with Diabetes UK facilitators later tonight. New Practice Nurse Fiona Morse to replace Eileen as Practice Nurse representative.

4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB provided update. Café is an ongoing success. Publicity information attached to to repeat prescriptions. Community Grant awarded and funds spent on resources. Thanks extended from PPG to Thornhill Church Centre for hosting this successful initiative.

4.4 Health Information Point & PPG website

RC provided update. Group discussion re: PPG donation and possibility of using funds (approx £500) to externalise PPG website. VR recently met with local provider Cameron Nazemi (CN). Group supportive of proposed plans. RC, VR& SM to meet with CN. Action RC, VR, SM

4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

IT provided update. Discussion re: Communication Strategy & Constitution. Group discussed potential for more formal structure and terms of reference to provide a stable framework for future development of PPG. Members to consider further prior to formal sub-group meeting. IT to confirm date. Action ALL & IT.

4.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

IT provided update. To progress on basis of an open meeting at the Thornhill Church Centre next Spring. Discussion re: possibility of coffee morning to gauge interest prior to establishment of a peer support group.

Action IT

4.7 Cefn-Onn Park project – update

JG  provided update. Group discussion & preference to be run as a local group initiative. Further  discussion re: risk assessments, disclaimers and advertising. IT to contact Valeways. Action IT

4.8 PPG ‘Health Forum’ event – 2017

Thyroid Health Forum to be held in Spring 2018. Plan to arrange a sub-group meeting in New Year.

5. Carers

JGod provided feedback from Practice activity during Carer’s week. JG keen to create increased awareness of Carer’s. Group discussion. Information to be added to PPG website once created.

6. Practice/Cluster news

SM reported Practice news:

  • Dr Ryan O’Neill joined Practice as Salaried GP (previously a GP Registrar at the Practice) in September 2017
  • Voluntary sector displays continue in Reception area each month. Current display-North Cardiff Good Neighbours.
  • SM outlined forthcoming closure of local Practice – Cathedral View Medical Centre. Tender process in progress.

7. Any other business

  • Discussion re: meeting dates/days. Group agreed for meetings to remain on a Thursday.
  • SM provided details of the 2018 flu vaccination programme. PPG members encouraged to promote Saturday clinics and opportunistic vaccinations.
  • IT provided information regarding Welsh Government consultation on the future of Community Health Councils. PPG members encouraged to contribute on-line.
  • IT would welcome views on social exclusion. Please e-mail IT.

8. Date of next meeting

  • Thursday December 7th
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