PPG Meeting – Thursday 8th March 2012


Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), Sarah Morris (SM), Ian Thomas (IT), Dinah Ball (DB), Angharad Roberts (AR), Vivienne Riley (VR), Colin Hembery (CH), Peter Sadler (PS), Margaret Benedict (MB), Jan Woolweaver (JMW), Pam J Parkhouse (PP), Sudhir Sehrawat (SS).

“Khloe gives as much to the gym as the gym gives to her”

Apologies: Rachel Davies, Bachu Diwan, Nic Pearson, Bronwen Phillips (BP)

  1. Welcome & Apologies

RC welcomed all present and introductions were made to a new member –

Pam Parkhouse.

SM outlined recent discussion with BP. Sadly, Bronwen is no longer able to participate in PPG activity due to a prolonged spell of poor health.

  1. Minutes Of Previous Meeting 8th December 2011

Minutes accepted as an accurate record

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Pam to provide contact details to update PPG membership record. ACTION JMW to complete and circulate.

SM outlined discussion with Nicola Hayne re: slides for information screens re: carers. Discussion re: Emergency Card detailing carer contact information. Agreed information to be displayed on screens. HGM has contacted Ruth Wilson, awaiting reply.


“agreed, the provision of pharmacy services to lisvane would be both necessary and desirable”

4.Pharmacy Service Provision In Lisvane – Sudhir Sehrawat

SS outlined recent application for a pharmacy license in Lisvane. PPG discussion re: general pharmaceutical provision in North Cardiff and in particular Lisvane & surrounding areas. Further discussion re: classification of ‘neighbourhood’, boundary and transportation issues. The Group agreed that the provision of pharmacy services to Lisvane would be both necessary & desirable. SM to collate PPG response and write to NHS SSP. ACTION SM

  1. PPG Profile, Activity Update & Planning

RC refreshed members re: 2012 PPG target areas –

Liaison with Llanishen High School. Links to continue & develop. Group discussion re: possibility of influencing curriculum.

Autumn Event –discussion re: potential theme. No firm ideas at present – possibilities include complementary therapies, food and diet, obesity, alcohol awareness, management of stress, cancer survival, fund raising activity, another exercise & activity event. For further discussion at sub-group meeting. Group agreed to meet on Thursday April 26th at 9.30am. ACTION. ALL

Buddy Scheme

To be progressed via sub-group activity.

  1. Presentation by Biddi Diamond – Samaritans

BD attended meeting and provided an excellent overview of the work of the Samaritans. On behalf of the Group, RC thanked Biddi for a thought provoking presentation. Thanks also to CH for inviting BD.

  1. PPG website

SM outlined outcomes of recent PPG IT sub-group meeting. PPG area on website updated to include PPG member profiles, objectives, minutes of meetings and additional information. Members to forward profiles to JW asap. Members encouraged to feedback comments to PPG IT sub-group. ACTION. ALL

8 Any other business


  1. Date of next meeting

 Thursday June 7th 2012 at 9.30am


Next articlePPG Meeting – Thursday 7th June 2012