PPG Meeting – Thursday 7th June 2012


Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), Dinah Ball (DB), Vivienne Riley (VR), Angharad Roberts (AR), Colin Hembery (CH), Jan Woolweaver (Secretary)


Apologies: Rachel Davies (RD). Sarah Morris (SM)

  1. Welcome & Apologies

SM on holiday, RD half term (childcare) ,

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 8th March 2012

Minutes accepted as an accurate record

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Pharmacy’s service provision application to reconsider licence. Sudhir Sehrawat (Pharmacy) proposal to review boundaries particularly Lisvane & surrounding areas turned down, as deemed unnecessary due to geographic demographics of ‘neighbourhood boundary’. SS to appeal on the basis of railway line crosses.  RC suggests a letter of support. SS to Liaise with RC.


  1. PPG profile, activity update & planning Health Autumn Forum Event


DB liaising with Llanishen High School.  DB/RC discussed proposals regarding pupils health related ‘bite size’ sessions School Council Group targeted as a dissemination group.  RC & DB to develop concept and discuss with Zoe, Mandy and HGM .  HGM suggested article by R Peston “Speakers for Schools”.

RC received proposal for materials invoice for pupil’s artwork of £337.00 (Circa £200.00 was donated previously).   RC/HGM discussed minimum requirements for assistance with costs –PPG considering a contribution, split between PPG & NCMC. DB requested further detailed information regarding artist to be made available.  Possible PowerPoint display within NCMC?  Further clarification is requested from Art teacher Mr Foster; payment will be made on delivery.

HGM proposed ‘Art & Health’ as subject matter for future consideration.

RC suggests further meeting to discuss taking ideas forward RC.DB agree to approach school council for support & promo regarding young people’s health.

Autumn Even

RC distributed worksheet proposals for “Autumn Health forum” activity day. RC/HGM discussed Dr Alcolado’s 10 Commandments for good health.  Letter to be sent to Manager of Sainsbury’s Mr Orton introducing NCMC PPG and proposing further relations development between both.  RC discussed items to be included e.g. work related stress.  RC proposed Subgroup (Autumn Health Forum Speakers & Presenters) RC requested Group members to be free 27th Sept for Autumn Health Forum, HGM suggests K Thomas to discuss Bereavement.

RC to coordinate a program and timetable of events.

PPG Website

Still Some Anomalies  –   DB is not Vice Chair of PPG.  Correct to IT (Ian Thomas) who is currently taking a sabbatical but will be back in December.  DB is Representative of Thornhill Church Centre. Peter Sadler is standing down as treasurer, but would like to remain in contact with the group.

Resend updated members list to SM. ACTION

Subgroup meeting for Autumn Activity tba.

  1. Carer’s Project

Coffee morning with mums & carers was also discussed.  Proposed use of Sainsbury’s cafeteria or church centre was discussed. DS to approach Church Pastor (opp NCMC) ACTION

  1. PPG website

SM to discuss at future meeting

  1. Practice Leaflet Pt Newsletter & Publicity

SM to discuss future meeting (on holiday)

9 Any other business

HGM discussed New NCMC staff Dr Caroline Lai, Dr Matthew Dexter, & Locums, new Practice Nurse Rebecca Gill, new Nurse Practitioner Claire Trace, and new Secretary Kerryanne Osborne.

  1. Date of next meeting

 Thursday September 13th 2012 at 9.30am


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