Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), (VR), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Ian Thomas (IT), Sandra Wildsmith (SW), Bachu Diwan (BD), Claire Baker (CB).
- Welcome & Apologies
RC opened meeting and welcomed members.
Apologies: Rachel Davies (RD). Dinah Ball (DB), Vivienne Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP).
- Minutes of Previous Meeting 7th June 2012
Minutes accepted as an accurate record with an addition necessary re: financial contribution to LHS art project.
- Action Points/ Matters Arising
RC to organize ‘bite size sessions’ for School Council Group
Art & Health’ to remain as subject matter for future consideration.
DB to continue liaison with Mr Foster re: names on paintings
PS standing down as Treasurer but wishes to remain in contact with the Group. HSBC account closed. RC currently has funds (£261.54). Group to decide whether to appoint a new treasurer or open a deposit account.
- Review of PPG profile, activity update & planning
RC outlined current activity. Discussion re: LHS. DB progressing, to provide update at next meeting.
PPG area of Website – changes actioned. Some PPG member profiles remain outstanding. Members to supply asap. ACTION PPG members
- Seasonal Flu Campaign
SM presented Practice plans for current seasonal flu campaign
- My Health On-Line update
CB provided overview of service to book appointments and order prescriptions on-line. PPG members involved in pilot scheme. CB confirmed Practice to roll-out in controlled manner –beginning with new patients.
Group discussion re: confirmation of patient identity. CB to investigate and progress. PPG members to sign up.
- Autumn Health Forum Event
RC outlined progress with Forum event –an all day event on Thursday 27th September with 7 interactive sessions. PPG members to co-ordinate the day. All members present able to attend. Duties will involve meeting and greeting, assisting with the direction of patients to the meeting room, co-ordinating the PPG raffle. SW suggested the involvement of the ‘book prescribing scheme’. SW to investigate further. ACTION SW. BD demonstrated some breathing exercises that could be a useful demonstration during the Forum day – via the information screens.
8 Any other business
RC requested ideas from members for PPG involvement during the next 12 months. For further discussion at next meeting. ACTION PPG Members
HGM – updated PPG members on the Diabetes UK programme for peer support. Group reflected on recent PPG plans & discussions re: the ‘Buddy Scheme’ –quite resource intensive and encountering hurdles. Possibility that PPG could put together a resource page on the website to promote similar schemes. Further discussion re: a possible joint venture between NCMC & the PPG to create a health information point. For further discussion at the December meeting.
- Date of next meeting
Thursday December 13th 2012 at 9.30am