PPG Meeting – Thursday 8th September 2016


North Cardiff Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting

Thursday 8th September 2016 at 9.30am

Thornhill Church Centre


Minutes of Meeting


Present: Richard Cole (RC) Chair, Dinah Ball (DB), Julia Greenhaf (JG), Doris Dallimore (DD), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM), Sarah Harries (SH), Rana Hashmi (RH), Pam Parkhouse (PP), Shamama Amber (SA).


1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members.

Apologies received from Ian Thomas, Viv Riley, Rosemary Stockman, Jenny Hanman and Dr Haydn Mayo.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting June 16th 2016

Minutes accepted as an accurate record.

3. Action Points/ Matters Arising

Action points completed/to be discussed within main agenda.

4. Review of progress with current PPG objectives and activity plans for 2016.

4.1 Llanishen High School (LHS) liaison –School Council representative

RC reported recent correspondence to Mrs Parry Head Teacher. Very positive responses thus far. Awaiting e-mail contacts for key staff.  Mr Foster contacted regarding replacement art work. Communication has not been as good over the past year. Group discussion re: tactics. RC to e-mail again. Action RC.

4.2 ‘Diabetes & Me’-monthly peer support group

RC provided feedback on the peer support sessions for type 2 diabetic patients. Attendance levels continue to be high and group evolving well. Group more structured with specific topics for each meeting. RH reported positive feedback from sessions. Group discussion re: ideas from meetings being included on website. RC to consider further. Next peer support meeting Wednesday 21st September at 7pm

Action RC

4.3 Welcome Café-Thornhill Church Centre

DB reported progress with the café. Café is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Thornhill Church Centre. DB reported very positive feedback. JH & RS supporting DB.

Discussion re: awareness raising. Information on screens in Practice & posters on display. SM to send reminder to Practice staff. Action SM

4.4 Health Information Point

SM reported progress. Future monthly sessions to continue. PPG information table display reviewed and updated. VR would very much appreciate more help with the sessions. SM to circulate dates for monthly in-Practice sessions.  Action SM

4.5 PPG Communication Strategy/Action Plan Working Group

SM reported progress on behalf of IT. Group to meet again in October. IT to circulate further information & meeting date following imminent surgery. Action IT

4.6 Development of Thyroid Support Group

IT reported good progress and is planning a drop-in session to test level of interest from patients before proceeding to establish group.  Action IT

5. Practice/Cluster news

SM reported Practice news:

  • Mark planning to return to full-time role in October.
  • Review of workload & systems underway including a review of access/appointments.
  • Flu vaccination programme commencing shortly with Saturday clinics scheduled throughout October. SM informed group of eligibility criteria and encouraged members to promote programme. Discussion re: publicity. SH to focus on poster display and advertising over next few weeks. Action PPG members & SH
  • Men ACWY vaccine available for students going to university/college.

5.1 Citizen Driven Health Project

SM outlined details of project, local relevance and proposed future plans/funding. Members very supportive of project. SM to provide update at next meeting.

6. Any other business

  • JG reminded Group –October 10th –Mental Health day.
  • Carers Conference in November – DD or JG to attend and feedback to Group. Action DD/JG
  • PP provided an update on the Wales Cancer Research Centre. PP to provide an article for the website/newsletter to inform patients. Action PP
  • IT to attend Public Health Conference in November –to provide feedback at December meeting. Action IT
  • Discussion re: newsletter item following Diabetes Uk 5k walk. RC & RH to progress. Action RC/RH

7. Date of next meeting/s

Thursday December 8th at 9.30am

Information point dates

  • Monday 10th October
  • Monday 7th November
  • Monday 5th December
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