PPG Meeting – Thursday 13th September 2012


Present: Richard Cole (RC) (Chair), Dr H Mayo (HGM), (VR), Angharad Roberts (AR), Sarah Morris (SM) Colin Hembery (CH), Ian Thomas (IT), Sandra Wildsmith (SW), Bachu Diwan (BD), Claire Baker (CB).


  1. Welcome & Apologies

RC opened meeting and welcomed members.
Apologies: Rachel Davies (RD). Dinah Ball (DB), Vivienne Riley (VR), Pam Parkhouse (PP).

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 7th June 2012

Minutes accepted as an accurate record with an addition necessary re: financial contribution to LHS art project.

  1. Action Points/ Matters Arising

RC to organize ‘bite size sessions’ for School Council Group
Art & Health’ to remain as subject matter for future consideration.
DB to continue liaison with Mr Foster re: names on paintings
PS standing down as Treasurer but wishes to remain in contact with the Group. HSBC account closed. RC currently has funds (£261.54). Group to decide whether to appoint a new treasurer or open a deposit account.



  1. Review of PPG profile, activity update & planning

RC outlined current activity. Discussion re: LHS. DB progressing, to provide update at next meeting.

PPG area of Website – changes actioned. Some PPG member profiles remain outstanding. Members to supply asap. ACTION PPG members

  1. Seasonal Flu Campaign

SM presented Practice plans for current seasonal flu campaign

  1. My Health On-Line update

CB provided overview of service to book appointments and order prescriptions on-line. PPG members involved in pilot scheme. CB confirmed Practice to roll-out in controlled manner –beginning with new patients.

Group discussion re: confirmation of patient identity. CB to investigate and progress. PPG members to sign up.

  1. Autumn Health Forum Event

RC outlined progress with Forum event –an all day event on Thursday 27th September with 7 interactive sessions. PPG members to co-ordinate the day. All members present able to attend. Duties will involve meeting and greeting, assisting with the direction of patients to the meeting room, co-ordinating the PPG raffle. SW suggested the involvement of the ‘book prescribing scheme’. SW to investigate further. ACTION SW. BD demonstrated some breathing exercises that could be a useful demonstration during the Forum day – via the information screens.

8 Any other business

RC requested ideas from members for PPG involvement during the next 12 months. For further discussion at next meeting. ACTION PPG Members

HGM – updated PPG members on the Diabetes UK programme for peer support. Group reflected on recent PPG plans & discussions re: the ‘Buddy Scheme’ –quite resource intensive and encountering hurdles. Possibility that PPG could put together a resource page on the website to promote similar schemes. Further discussion re: a possible joint venture between NCMC & the PPG to create a health information point. For further discussion at the December meeting.

  1. Date of next meeting

 Thursday December 13th 2012 at 9.30am


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